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Champions aren't born - They are made.

PBT Fencing – Professional fencing sport equipment made in Hungary since 1991.

We provide full range of fencing sport gear from beginner to champion, from children to adult with international quality standards (FIE and CE). We offer high performance and safe fencing equipment, weapons, masks, clothing, bags, installations and other apparels for sabre, foil and epee fencing designed and produced in our own factory in Hungary.

Find your local dealer or buy fencing sport equipment in our web shop with worldwide shipping and fast and reliable customer service.

PBT is the official supplier of the Hungarian Fencing Federation, partner of the International Fencing Federation.

About Us

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You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Watch our videos on our YouTube Channel. Check out our social media pages, to be uptodate.


Discover our Shop in Budapest.

Discover Our Store in BudapestDiscover Our Store in Budapest

Historical Fencing Gear

PBT Historical Fencing Line is a development of PBT Fencing company. Our aim is to fulfill the needs of historical fencers, to provide gear for many weapons from dagger to longsword fighting, from rapier to stick fighting. All our equipment have been examined and carefully tested  by experienced HEMA fencers. This helped us a lot in developing the appropriate products.

Each of our equipment is made by qualified tailors who take special care of all the details. We offer high quality and safe fencing equipment at all times. 
We ship HEMA gear to all over the world and we do our best to make your purchase easy by providing a fast and reliable customer service.

HEMA Gear is Available HereHEMA Gear is Available Here


PBT Fencera fencing shoes
Gergő Siklósi epée fencer, PBT's sponsored athlete
Ana-Maria Popescu epée fencer, PBT's sponsored athlete
Anna Márton sponsored athlete of PBT Fencing
Catrina Lehis epée fencer, PBT's sponsored athlete