“Not only is PBT one of the highest quality and most stylish fencing brands, but I love the company’s friendly atmosphere. Here athletes really come first. PBT has been helping me achieve my fencing goals since I was a kid, and I’m incredibly grateful."
Cheung Ka Long
May 24, 2023
"I’m proud to have PBT as a sponsor. Thanks to them, I can focus on my goals and achieve them without any concerns.”
Olga Kharlan
May 24, 2023
"I’ve been sponsored by PBT Fencing for over 15 years. The support and friendship are just unbelievable, and I’m grateful to have achieved my victories using their top quality, super comfortable equipment. I’m so happy to be a part of the PBT family."
András Szatmári
May 24, 2023
"I’m honored to have been working with PBT for so many years. They’re always kind and helpful, and their fencing gear is comfortable, sturdy and looks good! My success so far is largely down to them.”
Márton Anna
May 24, 2023
„A PBT nemcsak az egyik legmagasabb minőségű és legstílusosabb vívómárka, de a cég a családias légkört is megőrizte. Itt tényleg a sportoló az első. Már gyerekkorom óta támogatnak vívó céljaim elérésében és nagyon hálás vagyok."
Cheung Ka Long
May 24, 2023
„Büszkeséggel tölt el, hogy a PBT szponzorál. A segítségükkel 100 százalékban a céljaimra tudok koncentrálni.”